UK manufacturer explains positive Brexit approach on Channel 5

Brexit Interview
Brexit Interview

A UK manufacturer of cutting systems was featured on Channel 5 News explaining the company's positive approach to exports and Brexit. 

A UK manufacturer of cutting systems was featured on Channel 5 News explaining the company's positive approach to exports and Brexit.

Blackman & White was chosen to host a special report on business reaction to the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson, with managing director Alex White giving his own positive views on what it means for the Brexit process.

As a significant exporter of specialised cutting machines, the company ships its products all over the world, whilst also importing components for their machines from various overseas markets.

This makes it an authority on the import and export process, which is what brought it to the attention of producers at the national news channel.

In a segment that aired on the evening news, Mr White outlined his confident perspective and the fact that there needs to be more positivity around the whole Brexit process.

Echoing the sentiments of the Prime Minister, he confirmed that people would be best served to embrace the process and to see the opportunities Brexit can deliver in a ‘glass half full’ approach to the situation.

Mr White commented: “For the long-term, I can see some significant advantages in being separated from the EU, making partnerships with other countries and looking towards a future with some of the emerging economies in the commonwealth.

“Brexit is an emotive subject at the moment, but pragmatically a line in the sand needs to be drawn on the 31st October. A definite decision and a date are needed to give everybody the opportunity to get on and make plans to achieve the best possible outcome for the economy.

“The chances for a second referendum are slight and would only cause uncertainty for another three years - embracing the process to get the best possible outcome is only logical.”

Blackman & White is the UK’s only manufacturer of cutting systems and is looking to build on a strong year of sales after celebrating its 55th year in business in 2018.

The company, which employs 28 people at a state-of-the-art factory in Essex, grew 10% last year after a surge of orders from UK and overseas customers involved in the aerospace, automotive, graphics, marine and print sectors.

Blackman & White

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