UK aerospace industry urges approval of Brexit withdrawal agreement

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London Skyline

Companies from the UK aerospace industry are urging MPs to approve the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the UK Government and the EU, as Parliament restarts debates over it today.

Companies from the UK aerospace industry are urging MPs to approve the Brexit withdrawal agreement negotiated between the UK Government and the EU, as Parliament restarts debates over it today.

Industry trade association ADS and member companies including Airbus and Rolls-Royce have invited MPs to meet them in Parliament to discuss the sector’s support for the withdrawal agreement.

With little time remaining before the UK leaves the European Union on 29th March, industry is looking to politicians to deliver certainty over arrangements after Brexit.

The withdrawal agreement would confirm a transition period giving businesses vital breathing space, and giving the Government time to develop and agree a comprehensive deal over our future relationship with the EU that will take effect once the transition period ends.

ADS chief executive Paul Everitt said: “With very little time now remaining before the UK leaves the EU, continued uncertainty is damaging to business investment and is forcing companies to implement costly contingency plans.

“It is in the best interests of the UK’s aerospace, defence, security and space industries for the withdrawal agreement to be endorsed by Parliament.

“Further delay increases the risk of a no deal Brexit. This would be the worst possible outcome and would bring significant disruption to industry in the UK and Europe, damaging jobs and growth.

“We hope MPs now take the earliest opportunity to approve the withdrawal agreement, confirming a transition period and allowing talks on our future relationship with the EU to progress.”

ADS Group


ADS Group

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