Adapting to a changing world

Social distancing is something that's going to be inextricably interwoven into our everyday lives for some time to come. Here's some sound advice from CGT Screens, a company specialising in protective screens and partitions. #url#

Social distancing is now a primary consideration in all aspects of our lives. In this short article, Duane Humphries, marketing manager at Reading-based CGT Screens, a specialist designer and manufacturer of protective screens and social distancing partitions, offers four steps to effectively implement social distancing in manufacturing facilities.

With the recent announcement by the Prime Minister, companies within the manufacturing sector that have been closed will be looking carefully at what steps they need to take to get their facilities running again whilst ensuring their staff remain safe.

If you are struggling with how to implement social distancing measures into your production facility, here are four steps to get you started:

#1 Stagger the workforce where possible

How feasible this option is will vary significantly from factory to factory, but it should be seriously considered, as it can make a massive difference.

If you cannot stagger starting and finishing, even staggering breaks can help. You should be looking at every way you can minimise the amount of contact all staff have with each other, and staggering when staff will be at certain points throughout the facility is a very effective way to do this.

Bear this fact in mind – if everyone halves the number of people they come into contact with, it will reduce the 'reach' of that one person by more than 95% over the next 30 days.

#2 Social distancing barriers

Where the 2m social distancing distance mandated by the Government either physically cannot be met, or there is a high risk people will come closer to each other, social distancing barriers can be a very effective way to mitigate this risk.

There are now social distancing screens that can be joined to form queuing systems down corridors less than 3m wide or to avoid crowding in a canteen, for example.

Social distancing screens can also be useful at building entrance and exit points, or any other points where all staff must pass through every day. Partitions can be used to segment building access points to allow two-way people flow without putting staff in harm’s way.

Where there are production lines or workbenches, social distancing screens can also be used to separate workers. Where extensions to the screen are an option, they can extend over the workbench to ensure each worker is safely isolated.

#3 Education and communication are key

All workers must be made aware of the reasons why social distancing is so important, and the nature of how Covid-19 spreads.

The Government’s campaign to educate the public on the steps everyone can take to stay safe has been effective, but it is important you play your part as an employer as well. Showing your workforce that you take their safely seriously will both reinforce the steps they need to be taking to keep safe and improve staff morale as well. Safe staff are happy staff!

#4 Out of sight is out of mind – use visual reminders

Although floor markings and signs will not physically isolate workers in the way that social distancing screens will, they can still form an important part of your approach.

Visual reminders of the important steps staff should be taking to stay safe will only reinforce the message for you. Floor markings are also useful to mark the ever-important 2m distance where you physically cannot have a screen – down a queue for example.

While no one measure is going to 100% guarantee the safety of staff, the responsibility of the employer is to follow the government’s guidance and take all reasonable precautions.

CGT Screens


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