MACH 2018: Temporary expansion options

Spaciotempo, an established specialist in temporary buildings, is showcasing how semi-permanent structures can help UK manufacturers at MACH this year. 

Spaciotempo, an established specialist in temporary buildings, is showcasing how semi-permanent structures can help UK manufacturers at MACH this year.

With many companies keen to grow but cautious over economic uncertainty, Spaciotempo’s range of buildings to buy or hire brings a scalable, cost-effective solution perfect to support seasonal peaks, relocation and additional manufacturing space.

The need for an alternative to permanent production or warehouse space is evident. According to the most recent CBI Quarterly Industrial Trends Survey, appetite among firms to invest in new buildings has fallen to its lowest level since 2009, to a net balance of -30%. While orders and output are still above historic levels, the uncertainty caused by Brexit is affecting confidence in investment.

While optimism may be somewhat muted, growth plans shouldn’t be overlooked, the company asserts. Spaciotempo will be demonstrating how growth can still happen if manufacturers invest wisely in their space and storage solutions.

Scott Jameson, managing director of Spaciotempo, comments: “No doubt uncertainty is high, and it will stay that way until all the details of Brexit are ironed out. However, the opportunity to grow is still present.

“We have seen the confidence to invest in new buildings eroded, and that is down to high upfront investment costs. What manufacturers should realise is that temporary buildings can be just as good, if not an even better alternative, for those looking to up their output or factory space.”

Spaciotempo offers a range of cost-effective, quick to install and customisable structures. The company works across all industrial markets, providing solutions for production, freight, storage, logistics and warehouses.

“While we say they are temporary structures, there is no reason why they cannot be a semi-permanent part of your facility. Able to be built from as small as 5m widths up to 36m, they can be scalable to your needs and whether you are cautious or optimistic, there is a solution that will fit the bill.” Mr Jameson concludes.

Stand: H6-246

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