Editor’s comment for December 2019

123 insight 9
123 insight 9

For years I’ve been waxing lyrical about the benefits of a properly implemented MRP/ERP system. Now I’m not for a minute saying that this type of software is an absolute ‘must have’ for manufacturing businesses; what I am saying however is that it can really help companies run more efficiently. So what’s not to like?

Manufacturing companies are fundamentally a convergence of different disciplines coming together under one roof (or several roofs in some cases), and apart from some deviations from the norm, all manufacturers are essentially the same operationally.

It usually starts with a quotation, then (hopefully) an order and then a whole myriad of processes that combine to make the finished product. This will include order entry, stock control, purchasing, scheduling, production, despatch, invoicing and a whole host of other stuff like human resources, quality system management and accounting.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a software system that could link all of the above together? Manufacturing is becoming more data driven but it all begins in-house. The downside of not having a system in place is that you get miscommunication and often duplication of effort. The synergy between departments that is so vital for the smooth running of the business is often compromised. It certainly isn’t optimised.

So when Martin Bailey, marketing manager at ERP/MRP software developer 123 Insight asked me to write the foreword for his new book ‘How to implement a Manufacturing System’ I was delighted to do so.

And that’s because I believe in the concept. Anything that helps manufacturing businesses run more efficiently is good news in my book (excuse the pun). Having the right machines, equipment and people is absolutely essential of course and I’m certainly not undermining the importance of investing regularly in new equipment, but a decent system underpinning everything and linking it all together in perfect harmony makes sound business sense in my opinion.

Martin has obvious loyalties to 123 Insight but the book is written in such a way that it could apply to any of the excellent ERP/MRP systems available in the marketplace? It’s well-written, easy to understand and extremely informative; it’ll be valuable whatever software you decide to go with.

To coincide with the launch of ‘How to implement a Manufacturing System’ we’re giving away 20 free copies of the book to PES readers.

All you need to do is enter your details via this link: www.123insight.com/pesmag/. What are you waiting for?


123 Insight

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