UK manufacturing must be bold and brave amid output decline – PP

PP Control & Automation
PP Control & Automation

The UK manufacturing industry must be bold and brace in targeting global opportunities, according to a strategic manufacturing outsourcing specialist.

PP Control & Automation (PP)’s Tony Hague made the rallying call after last week’s GDP figures revealed growth in the economy has stalled and manufacturing output is declining.

The CEO is urging more companies to invest in automation and be proactive in targeting export contracts after his own business announced a £3 million order haul and exciting plans for further growth both domestically and in North America.

It is an approach that the Government is keen for other manufacturers to replicate as it looks to reinforce the UK’s reputation as an industrial powerhouse.

“We have definitely noticed an increase in confidence since the General Election result and it appears that investment has been switched on in a lot of sectors, which is very pleasing,” explained Mr Hague.

From its base in the UK, PP supports 25 of the world’s largest machinery builders in food processing and packaging, printing, machine tool, energy, transport and infrastructure, medical and high technology sectors.

He added: “Everything we do has to create added value to our clients through innovative design, proactive supply chain management and competitive and agile manufacturing.”

“We are targeting emerging markets in the UK, such as electrification, as well as new opportunities in different geographies. In particular the North American markets, where we are well placed with 20+ years knowledge of legislation and associated UL standards. There are also the connections we have in place now through our investment partners Ardenton Capital.

Despite the figures released last week, PP believes it is exciting times for industry, but the sector has to work collectively and collaboratively to grow GDP and wealth.

“Developing a more comprehensive supply chain model across the UK could ensure that the larger ‘primes’ in aerospace, defence, automotive and industrial machinery could actually increase their domestic spend. For that to happen, we need supply chain excellence; the impact on GDP and balance of trade would be massive.”

PP Control & Automation continues to be an influential member of the Manufacturing Assembly Network (MAN), a collective of nine manufacturers and a specialist engineering design agency that work together to share best practice and bring work back to the UK.

Mr Hague concluded: “UK manufacturing is still revered throughout the world for our engineering, our design and our innovation. We need to embrace this as we embark on doing trade in a whole new world and I’m confident that, whilst there may be twists and turns ahead, the opportunities will far outweigh the threats.”

PP Control & Automation

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