Former Nuclear AMRC CEO returns to his roots and joins the AMRC

Former Nuclear AMRC CEO, Stuart Dawson, has joined the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing as its chief technology officer.

Mr Dawson said: “I am passionate about aerospace technologies, so after six years in the nuclear industry I feel I have come home to my roots. I am genuinely thrilled to be able to take on a new challenge and I am confident my experience in the aerospace industry will help me support a growing AMRC.”

Prior to working at the Nuclear AMRC, Mr Dawson spent his career working in the aerospace industry, with his links to the AMRC stretching back to before its first days.

Mr Dawson added: “Professor Keith Ridgway was one of my tutors at university and after graduating, I began working for a knowledge transfer programme at an aerospace cutting tool company owned by Adrian Allen’s father, to improve their production throughput.

Soon Mr Dawson moved to work for Mr Allen, who was then sales director at Sheffield Company Technicut, now one of the global leaders in the manufacture of solid rotary cutting tools for the aerospace industry.

“At Technicut I worked with Adrian as he developed his original plans for forming a partnership with Boeing. It was around that time that Keith and Adrian first met and began to forge the links between Boeing and the University of Sheffield, which have now culminated in the AMRC we see today,” added Mr Dawson.

Mr Dawson spent a total of 18 years in the aerospace industry, during which time he lead productivity improvement and cost reduction programmes across a variety of UK aerospace firms such as Kyocera Unimerco.

“I’ve worked on just about every UK aerospace wing project,” said Mr Dawson. “From the composite wing for the Airbus A400M, to developing tooling solutions for Electroimpact’s A380 wing drilling and assembly machines in Broughton and developing portable drilling solutions for carbon metallic stacks on Bombardier C-series.”


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