GF earns top climate and water rating

GF has secured an ‘A’ rating, the highest possible, by the global rating agency CDP for transparency and performance on climate change, and for its ambitions relating to water security, the company has maintained its previous ‘A’ rating.

CDP, the not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, regions and cities to manage their environmental impacts released its assessment of over 21,000 companies recently. 

GF was one of 346 companies that received an ‘A’ rating for climate change and was praised for identifying and sharing information on risks that could significantly affect its business, either financially or strategically. For its ambitions around water security, GF received an ‘A’ rating for the fourth consecutive year in a row.

Environmental disclosure serves as a crucial measure for organisations to address present and future opportunities, as well as risks, linked to climate change and water security.

“Earning a place on CDP’s A List marks an important milestone in our journey towards becoming a sustainability and innovation leader and shows the progress we have made as a company to enhance transparency on our environmental impacts,” said Mads Joergensen, GF’s CFO.

“This is a tremendous result and I wish to thank our teams around the world for their efforts to tackle climate change and increase water security.”

GF has implemented several measures worldwide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, for example, by investing in the purchase and self-generation of renewable electricity, as well as in energy efficient buildings by improving lighting and insulation. GF is also increasingly capturing and reusing heat from production processes and using water in closed-loop cooling cycles.

Since 2012, GF has been reporting environmental data to CDP, a London-based non-profit that holds the largest environmental database on carbon emissions and water consumption in the world. The CDP 2023 reporting cycle covers activities in 2022.

GF Machining Solutions

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