Over 280 apprenticeship jobs available at In-Comm Training

Training provider In-Comm has more than 280 apprenticeship opportunities currently available and is urging companies and young people to get more involved.

Gareth Jones, joint managing director at In-Comm Training, made the rallying call and believes there are still lots of individuals looking to get involved in engineering and manufacturing that aren’t taking advantage of the world class training centres on their doorstep.

The firm, which operates a technical academy in Aldridge and the Marches Centre of Manufacturing & Technology in Bridgnorth and Shrewsbury, has recently embarked on a major recruitment drive to showcase how vocational learning can help bridge the current and future skills gap and provide excellent career opportunities for youngsters and more mature workers looking to switch jobs.

Over £7 million has been invested in the three facilities alone, offering over 40,000ft2 of dedicated manufacturing training space, including the latest CNC machine tools, automation, robotics, metrology solutions and 3D printing.

This is reinforced by access to industry-experienced trainers and 11 technical partners, who include Blum-Novotest, Ceratizit WNT, Engineering Technology Group, Guhring, Hexagon, HK3D and Hyfore Workholding.

Mr Jones said: “Companies are coming forward and saying they want to invest in apprentices, and that challenge has been overcome to a certain degree. We now need to make sure that, as a region, we’ve got a pipeline of young people or more mature learners to fill them.

“At the moment we have 280 positions vacant at our three academies and these are for part and full-time trailblazer courses with a job at a local manufacturer at the end of it. This means you can learn from the best trainers, on the best equipment and get paid for it, with a recent partnership with University of Wolverhampton offering a pathway to a degree at the end of it – all without the associated debt that can go with it. That’s a £100,000 opportunity.

“Current vacancies range from apprenticeships in machining and maintenance to mechatronics and welding.”

The recent annual In-Comm Training Barometer, which is designed to take the temperature of industry’s appetite for training, revealed that 83% of firms are still committed to taking on the next generation of engineers despite issues around the UK leaving the EU.

72% of companies have already put aside budget to recruit apprentices over the next twelve months, with 60% stating they feel the Apprenticeship Levy is working.

In-Comm Training www.in-comm.co.uk



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