Growing the brand

Established in 1971, Trent Oil Lubricants has become a widely acknowledged UK and European supplier of lubricants, traditionally serving the automotive, plant, construction and engineering sectors.

The family-owned company is gaining a strong reputation within the engineering sector, supplying cutting fluids from carefully selected partners, as well as promoting its new high quality, in-house ‘Trent cool’ range.

As director Kate McArdle explains: “Not only can we draw on our history and combined experience as a company, we can also offer the very latest technology in water-based cutting fluids that meet all the latest legislations.

“To overcome these challenging legislative issues, we have developed a range of boron and formaldehyde free products that are not only industry acceptable; they are also proving to be excellent products regarding their overall performance.

“Combined with outstanding customer service, we feel that we are in a very strong position as a forward-thinking cutting fluid supplier, albeit in a very competitive industry, and our growth and reputation within this sector has already grown significantly in recent years.”

She continues: “To capitalise on this further we’ll be exhibiting at MACH 2020 in April for the first time in our history, where we will not only be promoting our new range of water-based coolants, but also exciting new developments regarding our already established range of neat cutting oils and maintenance lubricants. We’ll be on stand H20-954.”

Trent Oil Lubricants

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